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Baltasar Garzón "Universal Jurisdiction and International Justice"
Baltasar Garzón Real, judge and President of FIBGAR
Carlos Slepoy, Lawyer, expert in Human Rights and Universal Jurisdiction
Kenneth Mann, professor of Criminal Law and lawyer
International law: Why Garzon has come to the legal defense of Julian Assange
Baltasar Garzón, judge and President of FIBGAR
Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón on Trial: Interview with Reed Brody of Human Rights Watch
Baltasar Garzón Real on the documentary "The Code"
Madrid proposal for discussing the Principles of Universal Jurisdiction
Fabricio Guariglia, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court
Ariel Dulitzky, Member of the UN Workgroup on Enforced Disappearances
Closing ceremony of the Universal Jurisdiction Congress